Freedwoman Retreats was originally started in the Philadelphia area after owner/founder, Sara (she/her), was searching for ways to bring women together in safe spaces in mother nature. At this time in her life, Sara had only experienced deep emotional connection with women, so it felt natural for her to create an organization that focused on supporting women.

Fast forward three years and Sara Friedman became Sara Freedwoman after moving to Bozeman, Montana. Upon moving out west, Sara created connections with her local and professional queer communities, learning that sacred spaces can be held regardless of what gender a human identifies as. Freedwoman Retreats is now gathering folks of all genders.


Each gathering created by Freedwoman Retreats strives to connect participants with the feminine within: our inner strength, our emotions, our openness, our flexibility, our empathy, our passion, and our intuition. We all possess these traits regardless of our gender identity. By embracing our inner feminine, we are able to move easily through the world with flexibility and grace. We learn how to communicate our desires and hold space for what is true. We not only acknowledge others, but begin to see ourselves in each other, finding connection all around.


Our signature event is the monthly New Moon Circle in which we come together to face our shadows, set our intentions, and hold space for one another. More details about the next circle can be found here.

Every summer, we gather for a multi-day retreat in the mountains of Montana in which we not only gather in circles, but also participate in outdoor activities.The outdoor activity within each Freedwoman Retreat is crucial to the transformation of self. By physically stepping outside of our comfort zones by hiking a peak, climbing up a mountain, or skiing down a mountain, we push our limits, overcome our minds, and challenge ourselves. These activities translate into all aspects of life as we are constantly persevering through new blockades and challenges.


Spending time in nature is good for the soul. Connecting with the outdoors can make us feel alive and in tune with the earth and in tune with ourselves.

Each Freedwoman Retreat gives the participant a chance for self reflection. Through yogic meditation and personal sharing, participants have the opportunity to move through vulnerability and ultimately feel transformed.

A portion of all sales are donated to Haven, a non-profit that supports survivors of domestic violence. We are inclusive of all races, colors, ages (16+), national origins, religions, and sexual orientations.



Meet Sara Freedwoman

Sara Freedwoman (she/her) is the owner and founder of Freedwoman Retreats, which connects participants with their inner feminine through moon circles, outdoor experiences, and yoga and meditation. To date, she’s facilitated retreats for hundreds of participants, creating community and connection. Sara loves living among mountains, spending her free time with her dog Tyler, skiing, rock climbing, hiking, backpacking, painting, and cooking. She calls Bozeman home where she teaches yoga at Spire, frequents live music shows, and is involved in the queer community. During the day, Sara uses the other side of her brain as an analyst in the financial services industry.